I was inspired by a friend. She posted on facebook a poem she had written for her hubby during their dating years. Not truly knowing if he was it for her. I am pretty sure I gave this to mine the Valentine’s Day before we were engaged( February 25, 2003).
Then and Now
Mommy and Faith
Daddy and Faith
Asher and Faith
Happy Birthday, sweet little girl!! We love you!!
Denying the Date
As I sit here at 1:30 in the morning, I am disturbed by the memory that a year ago this time I was at the computer reading up on contractions that were coming 15 minutes apart. A YEAR AGO? It couldn’t be. What is it about the second child that makes me yearn for more time with my baby. I remember when Asher hit one…it was a milestone, a celebration. I looked forward to it as we counted the months and watched him grow and change. With Faith it has been a struggle to even want to acknowledge that today my sweet girl will be one. She, too, has grown and changed. Each month was a new stage of development in her life, but somehow each month felt like a mere moment and this year has felt like barely a minute has gone by. How did it happen that my little angel baby is now an angel one year old. Oh if only the time would go backwards or like an old movie I could just watch her movements without sound and distraction. I could hold onto every second that brought her to this date. But, alas, I cannot so instead I cry only a few tears for the year that flew by in a mere millisecond; and I look forward to the many more the Lord blesses us with our little angel girl. Indulge me if you will for just a moment and remember with me that amazing day a year ago when my sweet Faith entered this world and my arms.
My, oh, my she has changed. I love you my little angel baby!
I know everyone talks about the food when cruising. They talk about all the weight gain because of food being available 24/7. It is a convenience thing…you never have to stop doing anything to make a dinner reservation;
you always have an option of heading to a buffet or grill. HOWEVER..the dining room gives you what the others do not, ambiance and flare. I love pretty food, so yes we actually took pics of our plates of delicacies.
If you gain weight on your cruise, you have no one but yourself to blame. They portion your dessert quite minutely.  🙂 This was a chocolate sampler.
I had to take some pictures of the before, during, and after of my favorite meal on the cruise. It was sooo good..
Only the lemon wedge was left.
Dressing Up
Happy Birthday, Lance!!
I had wanted to get this post done last night; I tried to work on it today. Alas, as it is with all things computer related, it is late at night and I am just now getting it done. If you read this it is probably a day later, so I will point out. November 4th is the day.
Happy Birthday, Lance. I LOVE YOU!!
Keeping it Real
I had a friend recently do a facebook status that she added “just keeping it real.” I liked that, so I’ve decided whenever I want to share something that may paint me in less than a glowing light, I’m gonna just call it Keeping it Real.
Tonight I just feel like a Mom….usually the most wonderful thing in the world. But tonight I feel like it is my identity like there is no Sarah just Mom. Tomorrow as I am greeted with morning hugs and cutie grins I’ll feel differently; however, right now I feel like just a mom.
Towel Animals
Each day we took pictures of our towel animals and sent them to Asher. He loved getting the email pictures from us. Nana and Papa would print them out for him, and he had them up with magnets all over their front door. Here is your challenge: Can you identify the towel animal? Some are easy…some Lance and I are still in debate over. Help us out!
#3 front
back view
#6 front
side view
7, 8, 9 months
Wow, it is going by so fast I haven’t been able to post for all her months like I hoped. I can’t believe she is already nine months old. I don’t have any recent stats because I am avoiding the doctor’s office like the plague right now.  So here are just a few catch up pictures. This girl is all over the place!!! She is little Miss Mischief, and you can’t turn your back on her for a second.
Last time she ever sat still.
Pulled up before I’d ever lowered the mattress
Crawling and Climbing
she was already climbing up when Asher decided he needed to take care of her….it was so cute how protective he got
Pulling up and cruising
As much as I am not really ready for it, I have a feeling she is going to be walking in the next month. TOOOOO FAST!!! Slow down baby girl.
Deja Vu?
So at 3:30 A.M. the day of Asher’s birth my contractions came on suddenly and strong. Long story but I had a weird labor with him. Anyway…that was when I woke out of dead sleep and came to the conclusion my body was ready to go.
Well this past Monday morning…exactly 3 years later at 3:30 A.M., I awoke again quite suddenly. Asher was staring me right in the face with his stuffed animals and blanket in his arms. I’m still not sure if he was walking in his sleep, or even fully awake. He threw down his stuff and told me “I not want these.” Then proceeded to climb into my bed.
So what do you think…do kids have these internal clocks that their bodies tell them…”Now go wake up your Mommy and scare her.” In past years I have woken up at his birth time which I always thought was interesting for my internal clock, but this was the first year he gave me a reminder of how it was those 3 years ago.