IMG_3000I know everyone talks about the food when cruising.  They talk about all the weight gain because of food being available 24/7.  It is a convenience thing…you never have to stop doing anything to make a dinner reservation; prime ribyou always have an option of heading to a buffet or grill.  HOWEVER..the dining room gives you what the others do not, ambiance and flare.  I love pretty food, so yes we actually took pics of our plates of delicacies. Dessert, really?

If you gain weight on your cruise, you have no one but yourself to blame.  They portion your dessert quite minutely.   🙂 This was a chocolate sampler.

Before the butter I had to take some pictures of the before, during, and after of my favorite meal on the cruise.  It was sooo good..

MMMM, butter

I love lobsterOnly the lemon wedge was left.

Nothing left


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