In recent years…ok a LONG time ago. Things weren’t nearly as “safety” manufactured as today.Â
Here is a great comparison of the “Johnny Jump UP”
Makes one wonder… is that a drawstring between my legs? What exactly is holding me up? 🙂
In recent years…ok a LONG time ago. Things weren’t nearly as “safety” manufactured as today.Â
Here is a great comparison of the “Johnny Jump UP”
Makes one wonder… is that a drawstring between my legs? What exactly is holding me up? 🙂
Today Faith is 4 months old. Wow, the time is going by so fast. She is talking a lot to anyone who will listen. Last week at her check-up she was 12lbs 7oz and 25 1/4 inches long.   Her favorite person is still hands down her brother. He walks in the room and all other toys and humans pale in comparison. She takes three naps throughout the day, eats every 4 hours (Asher is very excited that soon we’ll be giving her cereal), and goes anywhere from 8 to 9 hours at night. I really should start taking a daily “oufit” pic of her cuz I am really enjoying all the sweet summer clothes she has. She and her brother are just priceless when together. Just take a look at her face in this shot. She ADORES him…and he is pretty fond of her.
Last night as we got out of the car I saw a Mommy bunny sitting quite still in our yard. Earlier this week as I walked my friend to her car, I had noticed a pile of “bunny fluff”. I assumed probably a nest was nearby but hadn’t investigated. So upon seeing the Mommy (she took off as I got Asher out of the car), I went to check things out. This is what I found.
So this morning in the daylight I headed out to confirm the muddy patch was truly the was. Asher and I walked slowly across the yard and almost stepped right on this…
I am amazed at their camoflauge but more so at their ability to stay so still. You can just imagine the Mommy to baby conversation. M- “Now when that nosy human comes around you lay real low in the grass and pretend to be part of the dirt.” B- “Can’t I just hop away?” M- “No you lay still; she may not even notice you.”
Protecting their young is instinct as is ours. I find I can hurdle small fences when my young is in trouble….I bet I could even take on big ones, but my recent experience did not call for that. I will elaborate more when I have the time to post about our Grant’s Farm trip.
She is growing so fast. Already so much longer than Asher was and wearing some 6 month things. She has a great smile and since Easter has started laughing. Faith can’t get enough of her brother…he just walks around the room and her eyes stay with him the whole time. She was 11lbs 7 oz and by my crude method of measuring about 24 1/4 in.
Did pretty well until Friday. I had zero chocolate and then Friday we had a family day that culminated at Cold Stone Creamery. I ended up enjoying chocolate ice cream with gummi bear mix-in. Asher shared but I missed my week deadline by a few days. However, I felt pretty good about my food intake through the week and got in some work-outs. Slow but Steady.
I am not. However the other night, strolling the Marshall’s aisle, Lance and I saw these pancake molds. They were just too cute and for my little man who LOVES pancakes, they were perfect. Not to mention, Marshalls…good deal. So I tried them out this morning, and it only took three attempts to get them to appear as they should. 🙂
#1 broke all apart and were black on the other side
#2 thinniest pancakes you ever did see…..a tad brittle.
#3 Pièce de résistance
Ok, so about a month ago I posted about my plan for weight loss. I am sad to say no weight has been lost but none has been gained. :-) I sit here eating a bowl of Rocky Road as my last chocolate fix before I go “cold turkey”. I am planning to have zero chocolate for a week. Small goals at first then I will work to longer amounts of time.
It isn’t as though I feel chocolate is all of my problems but it is a control thing. I need self control when it comes to sweet things. Having Easter candy in the house was a HUGE downfall. Before Easter, I found I had eaten the bag of jelly beans bought for stuffing eggs for Asher. When I went out to buy more the stores were empty.
Working out has been decent. I was GREAT those first few weeks and since it has been hit or miss. Now we do have a two story house with the laundry room in the basement so I do stairs ALOT….that helps. I have a ring sling that Faith loves. So there is some excercise there but I’m really trying to develop a routine. I found I loved the Yoga stretches on the Wii fit. There truly is something to posture and reshaping my muscles.
Accountability…I type this not because I like admitting my failures and revealing my weaknesses. I want to be upfront with you the reader and me…I go back and read these posts and I want to motivate myself to want to post more encouraging milestones. So here goes….NO CHOCOLATE WEEK!
From the mouth of my phonetically challenged two year old. What he says…the parentheses translate what he means:
We go play in the lard(yard)?       Get my club and but(put)
Pist(spit) out my chicken.             I suck(stuck).
Me want farties(smarties the candy).      This is my sfot(spot).
We can’t help but laugh when he has one of these speech moments. Thankfully context clues help us understand him, or I would constantly be hunting down people who taught him such words.
We had a great first Easter with Faith. Lance’s Mom came in on Friday and stayed with us until Monday morning. Asher loved having her here and getting to play with her.  Dressing up my little girl was definitely a hilight for me. Shopping is not something I enjoy doing, but suddenly with a little girl to dress up I find myself actually shopping. I wish all of my readers a very Happy Easter (belated.) Just a few pics from Easter..there are more at flicker or if you are friends with me on facebook there is an album there.
Egg hunt at my Mom’s
Faith’s footies
Coloring Eggs
I am no doubt seriously behind the times with this one. I knew there was a way to keep tabs on all the blogs I read without once a day going to my bookmarks and checking each one. Welp, my hubby showed me the easiest thing: Google Reader. Anyone else use this or another reader? It makes it so much easier I just go to Reader and it shows me any new posts. Yea, for simplicity and time saving!