I have to know, are you a picture printer? This means that after you take photos of your events and precious family moments, do you run to your nearest developer and print them. I am a downloader. I clean them off the memory card, and in digital format they remain (for the most part). Here we are at my son’s 2 year mark, and other than a few in frames, I have no prints of my little man. I can’t really say why this is, but I remember being in the same place at his first b-day. So I want to know from you my reader…do you print?
Very rarely. I mostly print if I want to frame something, or if I’m making a gift. Most of my pictures remain in my folders on my computer (and burned to CD’s for our parents). They’re well organized by date and events, so if someday I end up with time, I can scrapbook to my heart’s content. In the meantime, I figure I have enough homeless prints laying around already!
You are not alone my friend!!! I only have one album of Ella and that gets me to about 8 weeks or so. I load them on the computer and then to Walgreens (since our harddrives like to crash so often)…where I then have all intentions of someday building digital albums to have. However, those are an investment in money and the other is an investment in time and creativity, none of which are readily available to me! 🙂 So, no, I don’t print either.