2 months


I can’t believe my girl is two months old.  Today at the doctor she was 10 lbs 10 oz and 23 1/4 inches long.  Time has gone by so quickly.  We had just gotten her annoucement in the mail this week.  She is smiling a ton and cooing at us when we talk to her.   I am so blessed my two beautiful children.

Goal to Lose

Welp, the baby weight is gone, but the body is far from back to normal. Not to mention I am 20 lbs from where I was when I got married, so I have a goal in mind:  To be healthy and fit to keep up with my children.   My hubbie just bought me the Wii fit, so I’m getting on it every day and adding another form of workout with it…walking, elliptical, something cardio. I just need to get into a habit and maybe I’ll see some difference. In the past I found I would always overdo and then not be able to move the next day so the routine would get lost. Or I would find a program to try…try it and get bored with the same thing. I am hoping this new approach gives me variety, and with some wise words from a friends, I am trying to start slow and work up to a full workout. Now how to give up the chocolate that put the pounds there. 🙂

I have my timeline of losing by summer, but even more so for the trip my hubbie and I are planning to take for our 5th anniversary.  It was last June but didn’t want to take the trip prego.  So here I hope to give some updates if for no other reason accountability.   Hope your don’t mind.

Formal Night

Our cruise in 2005

Pink Invasion: The story of Faith’s arrival

WARNING: only for those who truly want to know 🙂

2 months ago my life changed drastically when my sweet baby girl entered the world. The Lord was so good to me. If you go back and read the post from January 26th, you will see I was scheduled for an induction but was praying that the Lord would allow me to labor normally.

Final pic of the bellyAs I crawled into bed that night, I was having some pain and Braxton Hicks but this was normal for the last 3 weeks. At midnight, I woke up with a new pain (i did not have a regular labor with Asher so this truly was a new feeling). After a few more of these waking me up and coming every 15 minutes, I headed down to my friend the internet and began doing a little searching on contractions. Tears filled my eyes as I realized the Lord was answering my prayer. At 3am I woke Lance to let him know, sleeping between contractions until 6 when I got up, showered, and packed the final things into my suitcase.Faith 078

Knowing snow and ice were reported, the family had all joked Faith would arrive in the midst of it. She did not disappoint…by 7 when I called my sisters and mom, 2 to 3 inches were already on the ground. It was the Lord’s timing that had the storm break for the morning allowing us safety to the hospital. That evening another 3 to 4 fell.

We got to the hospital at about 9am, and the contractions were 8 minutes apart. IMG_0560As the pain increased, Lance was aIMG_0552mazing. He’d watch the numbers and let me know when they were going down, so I could start relaxing. My mom and sister, Sharon, were in the room (my other sister, Heather, was babysitting Asher for me); it was such great support. Without Sharon I wouldn’t have the precious pics of Lance to share with you. Gravity was my friend as I walked back and forth…standing was definitely my first choice when getting through the contractions.

The Lord provided me with skilled nurses and a strong doctor. As I pushed in those final moments, my doctor started hollering about shoulder trauma/extraction and chaos was all around me. With the tears flowing, I had great concern about the weFaith 112ll being of my little girl. A nurse climbed on a stool and shoved down on my stomach to help dislodge her shoulder.Faith 094 FINALLY out she came; it wasn’t until they got her over to the heating table and the pediatrician began sucking out her nose that I heard that scream….the one that makes any mother’s heart melt and the breath she’s been holding to release….It was a beautiful sound.

Faith Addison Leonard arrived!!!


We had so many sweet moments holding her and couldn’t wait for Asher to come up and meet his little sister. He wasn’t sure what to think of her…just really loved climbing up in the bed with mommy. Faith 382It Faith 318 copywasn’t until the next night, that he wanted to try holding her with Mommy and then by himself. He was in love…and since then,  he can’t get enough of her. I am so happy to have 2 precious little ones and feel so very blessed that God has entrusted them to my care.Faith 296 copy

Pink Invasion- a teaser

Ya know I was never a big fan of pink. Not a color I myself enjoyed wearing or with which I would decorate. Suddenly I feel as though we have been invaded by pink…pink jammies, pink blankets, pink stuffed animals, socks, shoes, dresses, shirts, even pink burp cloths…..get my drift! PINK everywhere I turn is pink. Guess what?! I find myself smiling at pink. I find I am adoring pink and not because I recently discovered a new love for this color. Instead I am drawn to the package that is all wrapped up inside of the pink.

My little pink invasion weighed in at 8lbs 13 oz, 21 inches in length, and arrived on January 27, 2009. I realize that most of you who read this blog also are on facebook with me and have already received this news. BUT I want to try and keep this blog current as I walk blindly through this new experience as a mother of two. However, it’ll take some time to truly sit down and write it all.

Stay tuned for Pink Invasion – part 1 where I would like to share with you how God answered my prayers regarding Faith’s arrival.

Wednesday or Bust!

Well today was my last doctor’s appointment before Faith’s arrival. My prayers have been long and hard over what to do should today’s appointments mirror the last 4. Today my sweet doctor looked at me again with a face of sheer remorse (like maybe she was to blame) and told me once more that I am not the least bit dialated and still “thick.” For weeks I’ve had contractions and pain, Faith is constantly on the move but nothing.

Taking into consideration that with Asher I had to have a medicine that softened my cervix before going into labor on my own, it seems that my body can’t seem to work through that stage. Only God knows and only God knows if she’ll arrive before the scheduled induction on Wednesday. However, I am at peace with the decision to go forward with having her. I can not wait to stare into her beautiful face and count her perfect fingers and toes.

The ultrasound today to check my fluid levels showed her a pretty good size. Asher was 7lbs 1 oz. I am sure she will be bigger the question remains how much. I covet all of your prayers and thank all of you for your prayer support up til now.

My life’s verse: “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord. ‘plans to prosper you and not to you harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.'”

A quickie

Ready to have my little girl, hold her in my arms, and count each little digit. Today my mom came over and helped me do a HUGE chunk of my “to do before Faith arrives” list. She is awesome! She dusted and vacuumed, moved furniture with me, helped fold laundry, and then we messed around with the ring sling she made for me. Having a little girl, I can only hope I am as good as a mother. I just wanted to brag on her for a moment…thanks for indulging me.

Under Construction

Well, as you can tell the blog is a work in progress right now. Lance had to do a ton of switch over stuff that I will not pretend to understand and that had things all funky for a while. Now we are up but under a temp. look. He also forgot to put back my widget so in case you are counting down with me; I am at 18days to go!!! Bear with us…Lord willing, Lance will have time to change our blog before Faith arrives. Either way all things will be posted here…once I learn how to use some of the new features.

And her name is…

Faith. We do not have a middle name yet. I feel as though we hurdled a huge mountain getting this far. Girl names were just very hard for me, and this one has been at the top of Lance’s list from the beginning. We are very excited to be talking to her now and teaching Asher her name. We have agreed that if she comes out and in no way looks like a Faith; we have veto power to change it. At Christmas with the different families, we gave personalized gifts that had the grandchildren’s names on it. It took both my mom and his a moment to realize that there was an extra name printed. It was very fun to watch their expressions. It is very real for her to have a name and to be going to the OB every week. It is just a matter of time. I do not enjoy sharing pics of my large belly(esp in color), but I wanted to show Asher giving a kiss to his “baby sistar”, Faith!

9 months


I was really hoping to blog more in the last month but sitting at the computer for any length of time is super uncomfortable. For Thanksgiving, we went down to Lance’s mom’s. (Let me define “went down”, she is about 4 hours southwest of here.) The car ride was long due to my protruding belly; we stopped more than we usually would. I got out and walked around a bit, and of course we have a potty trained child now so that changes how we travel as well.

We had a great time with his mom, sister, brother-in-law, and two nieces. As the Lord orchestrated, my best friend, Monica, also lives nearby. Totally the Lord’s hand, she and I met in Hungary on a missions trip, kept in contact, and stayed close. Lance and I didn’t know each other at that time, and his mom was living here in St. Louis. She moved years later, and we discovered she was only 10 miles from Monica. So on many visits to Mom’s; I get a chance to hang out with Monica. Our little boys are only 6 weeks apart. Isn’t it fun to see God’s hand even in the littlest introductions that lead to deep friendships.

Thought I’d share a few pics from the weekend

(as always if you click on them you’ll go to flickr where there is more.)


Pretending to be sleeping

Trying to pretend to be asleep


Asher and Monica’s kiddos

Hard not to take home

Monica and hubbie are breeding mini Australian Shepherds…..

this one and I bonded,

I want this one!!

Nana and her babies

Lance’s mom (Nana) and her grandkids