Yea, I have felt good for two days in a row now. I’m not sure what that means for this blog, but so much has gone on this summer with lots of cutie pics. I really hope to start posting soon. I’m not even sure anyone is still checking back, since I have been so lax for so long. I saw my OB on Monday and told her all of my issues. She recommended a change in one med, but after we listened to my sweet baby’s heartbeat, she smiled at me and said, “Sorry honey, you are just having a lousy second pregnancy.” A lot of people tell me that means it is a girl. We will find out next month. My OB is awesome, she also turned therapist on me for a second after I told her how guilty I was feeling for not loving every moment of this pregnancy like I did with my first, and she gently stated, “It is okay to say you hate this pregnancy; it means nothing to how you feel toward the little one growing inside you. ” That was so nice to hear..cuz up to this point I have just felt fat and tired not pregnant. This may be a little bit more soul bearing then I intended but to all of those who read this I know I can be real. I’d love your prayers for a continued path of feeling better.
If it makes you feel any better. . . I did not like pregnancy. I was sick, fat, and extremely tired except for a month or two right in the middle. At the end of the pregnancies, I was even fatter, had heartburn, and was in pain. On the other hand, I liked childbirth. I tell people, that if you don’t like childbirth, it is because your pregnancy was too easy. Hope you feel better soon.
Sweet Sarah,
I’m praying for you! I’m glad you’ve had a couple of good days. How many weeks along are you now?
Thanks to Google Reader, I can “check back” every day painlessly, so don’t ever feel like you shouldn’t post b/c it’s been too long.
I’ll be praying that the Lord sends you many more good days. And I agree, the way you feel about this pregnancy doesn’t mean you love this little one any less – you’re just extra eager to meet him or her! 🙂
I’ll also be praying that the Lord will shine rays of joy even into the yuckiest days, and that He will help you keep clear in your mind the distinction between your growing Blessing and your pregnancy misery.
Love you!