Goal to Lose

Welp, the baby weight is gone, but the body is far from back to normal. Not to mention I am 20 lbs from where I was when I got married, so I have a goal in mind:  To be healthy and fit to keep up with my children.   My hubbie just bought me the Wii fit, so I’m getting on it every day and adding another form of workout with it…walking, elliptical, something cardio. I just need to get into a habit and maybe I’ll see some difference. In the past I found I would always overdo and then not be able to move the next day so the routine would get lost. Or I would find a program to try…try it and get bored with the same thing. I am hoping this new approach gives me variety, and with some wise words from a friends, I am trying to start slow and work up to a full workout. Now how to give up the chocolate that put the pounds there. 🙂

I have my timeline of losing by summer, but even more so for the trip my hubbie and I are planning to take for our 5th anniversary.  It was last June but didn’t want to take the trip prego.  So here I hope to give some updates if for no other reason accountability.   Hope your don’t mind.

Formal Night

Our cruise in 2005

2 thoughts on “Goal to Lose

  1. you look like sharon in that photo. i think you will do great with the weight loss, the key is to build muscle and not just do cardio. muscle burns fat even when you are not working out.

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